right now

Don't ask me about tomorrow or next week
I know what I know right now
Don't make more out of this—or less
I know what I know right now

Share all that you have in your heart
Because I am here in front of you right now
Share all the hopes and dreams you've saved
Because I am here in front of you right now

Take my hand on purpose every day
So we can look toward more than right now
Place my heart within your heart
So we can look forward to the future

Right now leads to tomorrow
And everyday love—right now


  1. I love your final lines. Everyday love is the very best kind. ๐Ÿ’œ

  2. Excellent repetition in "right now." It places special emphasis on the moment and its impact on the future.

  3. I also like the repetition of "right now". Well done, Laura.

  4. Oh ache. Beauty & melancholy at once.

  5. I love this! This is actually something I've been thinking about alot. Being there with someone and just loving. I LOVE it!


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