
The wind blew in today, like most days really, chilling and brisk
It pushed down freezing rain in blinding sheets
Sending the world with me in it scattering, clambering for shelter

I felt so cold from my toes to my nose
Standing alone for so long, I hardly even noticed
How harsh the weather was, how harsh the world had become

And then you were there, sheltering me as we stood
Holding onto one another with hearts in our hands
My face in your hands as I realized what a gift you are

Your presence made the storm seem like almost nothing
The wind still blew; the rain still was driven, but
Because you sheltered me without a second thought

Calm made a home within my heart
Quiet began to settle in within my chest
Gratitude made a mark I won't ever forget

Even if it's only for a day, my darling
You shelter me more than I could hope
And my heart is warmed by the fire of your soul

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