admitting my dream

What is the point of writing out some of my dreams? I'm not quite sure yet actually, but I hope that by delving into my head and heart for a bit, I might come out with some healthy refocusing, so I can keep on getting to them. Because we all know I keep on working toward reaching my dreams, I don't really ever forget about them. I think I just suffer from disheartening at times. It's not the same as forgetting.

I'll admit that my first dream on the list is one I've had since I was a young girl: to find/be found by someone who will love me and stay. This one is no mystery to even you if you've been reading my musings for even the slightest amount of time. That is and always has been what I desire most in this life. I believe my relentless hope in this dream is part of what keeps me going when life is beating me down. I just know somehow that it will happen.

Lately though, the dream is feeling afar off. And it hurts to admit that I have this dream. I wish I didn't. It's a good one, a worthy one, but it is not to be mine just yet. That is pretty sad to me.

Yet, love's story keeps at me. It keeps telling me to keep looking and watching. Love has not been a stranger to me truly. It has had twists and turns and corners and closets, but one thing that has always been true is that love has been freely given a home in my heart. I have always welcomed love to come stay with me. And this steadiness will been seen some day. One day, I will see my dream come true and love will be given and received within this true heart.

I admit that I dream of reality matching with my heart's desire. And I just know somehow that it will come true. Someday.


  1. While an end may be elusive for now, this slice does seem to accomplish the purpose of refocusing that you set for it.

  2. I love your openness and faith.

  3. So much honesty in this post. I'm not sure I'd be as brave, but after reading this, perhaps. Keep having faith in love! Thank you for sharing.


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