leaving a light on

Whenever you look out on the horizon as the sun is setting, do you make a wish? I do. I think about what I want to do with my tomorrow. I make a few plans for later. Wishing on stars is so limited if you ask me. Why not wish on the sunset or the moon in the sky? It's a good thing. I think I have even wished on the rising sun. Stars are suns, so it makes better sense than my wishing on the moon I've taken to as of late. But I digress. About wishing, I like to call it that, but it is more like a little prayer for things to be better or me to do better or for something good to keep on keeping on. I seem to always turn the corner even on the most tear-filled wishes and come out filled with hope. It's rejuvenating, so maybe that's why I won't limit my wishing to stars. I seem to always have a light on in this heart of mine. I leave it on in case some lost sailor, just one, finally finds his way to me. And now I've caught myself wishing—again—it's what I do.


  1. This is a beautiful ritual! I liken it to my practice of standing under the full moon as often as I can. It is calming to look up and out and away from the details that sometimes drag us down. My goal this coming year, after driving home facing too many sunsets, is to get home in time to actually sit and enjoy them. Perhaps I will incorporate your ritual, though my view is not as open as yours!

  2. For me it is stopping to smell the roses. I promised myself decades ago that when I walk by a rose bush that I would always take time to stop and smell the blooms. I stop. I reflect. I breathe. I walk away with more joy, and all because I took a couple of seconds to smell the roses. It helps me to feel good about things.


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