finding home

In the cool shade of a long summer's day, I find you.
Touching on the blue of sky and all the hues of green,
Dancing in memories of yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows,
Somehow you always find me, drawing me into you.

Without thinking, you found me, and I found you.
Discovering each other and ourselves
As we let the world carry us away even though
You loved me, and I loved you.

We danced together then apart.
We ran from our tender hearts.
We broke our very own hearts.
We drove our happiness apart.

Focusing upon the trees, we lost sight again and again
When the forest was right here, patiently waiting
For us to stop running for a moment and breathe.
Take this breath with me, once more, again and again.

Because nothing should ever keep us
From the perfect affection we founded
Upon the gentle innocence of youth
And the goodness we planted just for us.

Join me in our garden of goodness blooming forever.
Even when we might forget to tend,
It gives and gives and gives
Without stopping, without end, for us forever.

Interconnected, together even when apart,
Despite time and space and circumstance,
The light is always on for us—
Never strangers, always there, never really apart.

Paint with me a picture we never want to leave.
Show me how my broken heart is safe in yours.
Give me again the trust you gave so long ago.
Walk with me on our garden's path, so I'll know you'll never leave.

Pull me close, my heart, my home.
Let's heal together, like grafted trees, that we might see where life might go
Today into tomorrow, yesterday into forever.
Let our love become our home.

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