making connections

I'm doing that ESL Arts Camp thing again this summer. Anyone who has been reading my blog for awhile will remember some of my adventures with the Chinese students I learned to love in ten days flat. For those who are new to my writing space, it is an exciting and rewarding experience to teach in a submersive environment, just jumping in with students who are jumping into our country to learn our language through song and dance—literally.

There are always a few students who are shy and always some who love me right off the bat. Just like any school year—but it all goes down in about ten days (or less) worth of interaction. The interruption to summer break would have felt like I was being cheated of the well deserved respite from the teaching grind if I didn't love the experience as much as I do. These students are simply inspiring by being so brave to try new things that I am in awe.

If you've never had the chance to teach foreign language speakers, I highly recommend it. There's something about language vulnerability that breaks down walls and makes everyone bond even faster than in a typical classroom. The connections are special and unforgettable.

It's only the first day for me, so I have my adventure still ahead of me these next two weeks!


  1. This sounds like an exciting adventure! Enjoy every moment and every connection.


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