we climb

Where we stand keeps on moving as we move our feet toward forever.
We climb and run and fall and climb again once more,
Always transforming, although somehow always remain together,
The journey making us breathless until we cannot move anymore.

Challenging paths parallel to one another, seeing the other across the way
Calling out to one another to help and lift and bless.
Picking up where we left off since the last time we could spend the day
Walking alongside each other, again, our lifelong caress.

I climb; You climb.
I fall; You fall.
Friendship sublime.
Love's wherewithal.

Planting my feet where I stand, I take your part of my heart off my sleeve
And hand it over willingly to be held and carried, cherished
Or buried forever on this wayside, this chance meeting of belief
In love, this love, our love, that somehow it cannot fail, will not perish.

Keep moving toward forever with me along the ridges and rises
Through the torrents and trenches as we climb our way out to blue skies
Take my hand in yours and let your heart rest in mine where it needs
To be, where it belongs and always, forever, into eternity will lead.

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