radio silence

Lyrics and a melody, a song of a lifetime, meant for someone.
Who knows who really, but I connect with it.
And I want to hear more. I want our whole story, baby,
Written out like a song, one that keeps humming in the background.
I want to see how far two people can go
On love and trust and a lifetime of nice words
In a song that won't stop even when playing in separate directions.
The radio's buzz warms the blood, baby, keeps a girl going.

Remember, there's always time for one more slow song.
You keep pressing play on the mix tape, pulling me into your sweet heart.
When did we learn each other's song I wonder at the time gone by.
It feels like always yet a blink, forever all in one breath.
Don't let this love go quiet into the night.
Don't let the radio go silent.

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