can we

Can we just go back or fast forward
Can we reach behind to grab some joy
Can we pack it in a basket to use right now

Can we step aside and let this pass
Can we take a road that is not ours
Can we walk together again soon

Can we hold onto something we have yet to see
Can we reach for something we do not know
Can we change the trajectory we were on for good

Can we grasp the idea of tradition made new
Can we generalize our joy into the everyday
Can we move with authenticity and purpose for the future

Can we find a way to stop looking back
Can we look ahead with pure happiness
Can we pick up hope like pebbles on our path

Can we give more thought with our whole souls
Can we strive toward peace and harmony
Can we have peace on earth without a holiday

Can we love better
Can we reach higher
Can we be exceptional

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