

Day 15. 

My gratitude runs deep for all of the people who help me each day. I have been trying to me mindful of each time I receive help or support from others, and I have such an amazing community around me, near and far. 

People send me quick messages to check on how we are doing. I have church friends who are helping me with driving one of my children on days the normal carpool can't help. I have a carpool in which I do not ever help drive because they are going out of their way to help me and my family. There are people who just know me and know when I am not okay, and even though they cannot make me okay, just knowing that they feel me and see where I am helps me. People reach out to serve my family in unique ways that I could never think to ask for. Strangers help us even. 

I rarely feel the sting of my reality because so many people are reaching out and helping and serving and loving us. 

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