sundown in texas


Sundown in Texas reminds me of a man. 

I can't say I knew him very well—however 

What I did know, I loved. 

I knew him as a quiet cowboy who could

Cook and clean up and fix a roof 

Among many other everyday and hard work things

He worked and loved and gave of himself.

And he even could fix a few hearts. 

Maybe, most likely, he fixed 

Quite a few more than a few. 

I'd say he fixed more than we can count

With his quiet love and care,

With his gentle heart and helpful way. 

Giving what he had with his two hands,

Making smiles out of nearly nothing, 

Scraps of wood and a pinch of pure kindness

That looked like pecan fudge and fried chicken.

Our quiet cowboy gave his bright, big, shining heart 

And we will love him forever 

Remembering him in every Texas sundown. 

For Bosco. 

And for Onabeth, Casey, and Trevor. 

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