work is a blessing

 Day Five. 

I am thankful for my work. My mom job, my teaching job, my editing work, my writing work, my spiritual work. All of it. 

Being needed and helpful and able to make a difference is so rewarding. It can be taxing at times too, I will admit, but it is most often a source of joy for me. I love helping and teaching and making life better around me. And the vehicle to reach that joy is work. 

I wish I had help with all that faces me, yet there is some delicious satisfaction when all works out well because of my own tenacity and God's help. I know I can make a difference because I am put in a position to have to do it alone and make it happen so often. 

Blessings are in everything if you take time to look, and I am feeling blessed with so many kinds of work to do. 

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