this view

Remnants of a life well lived

Chopped chunks of trees

Nails, glue, and wood shavings

Turned into art

Now a memory already

Fading into the shadows

Of the blazingly bright future 

But with pure love planted, 

There in the wheelbarrow 

Of life, transported, there are memories

Lashed to the fence post 

Showing us the way

Showing us how to follow 

His footsteps 

In our own way 

Making our way 

With a universe of hope

Guiding our eyes up 

To the light, to the clouds,

To the mountains 

That build us up while

Tearing us down 

Like this grief intertwined 

With so much joy

This view pushes us to be
More and stand in wonder 
At the love God planted 
All around, surrounding
And saturating, this 
Brilliant life 

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