A Laundry List


Not sure where the saying came from, but I feel like Thanksgiving Day demands a laundry list of all I can think of to be thankful for in one quick burst. I am turning on a one-minute timer, and I will list every single thing that comes to mind in that one minute. Let us hope my typing skills don't fail me...

1. My children

2. The gospel of Jesus Christ

3. Christmastime

4. Good food

5. Clean water

6. Freedom

7. Travel

8. Friends

9. Joyful moments

10. Autumn

11. Christmas lights

Stopping at eleven feels lucky but also pretty short of a list, but time to think and to type made it interesting. I am thankful I can type pretty fast, or it would have been an even shorter list! 

And know that there are no favorites here—except for probably my children and Jesus. 

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