50 Things by 50

I am kicking off my 50th year of life, and I find myself reflective and joyful, pensive and disappointed, amazed and encouraged. I see so much of the good and beautiful but also so much of the terrible as I look back, and I think to myself how I want to rise to the occasion of achieving a half of a century worth of chances by seizing the days I have in this year leading up to that mark. I want to make a conscious effort to bring more light and joy and love into my life and everyone I can. 

In this effort, I looked around and discovered that many people (it even seems to be trendy) attempt/do something noteworthy in honor of turning 50 years old. And I feel a little cliché as I keep writing, yet I know it will bless my life to at least make the effort, and I just cannot care if the idea is not as novel as I had first believed. 

That said, I want to share my 50 Things by 50 list: 

1. Visit a city (or even country—Scotland, I am looking at you) I have never been to before. 

2. Complete a service opportunity at least once a month if not more often. 

3. Publish a poetry only book. 

4. Develop a cookbook. 

5. Spend time reconnecting with at least one friend I have not seen in a year or longer. 

6. Try a new food. 

7. Make music somehow (singing, instruments, etc.). 

8. Try a new hobby. 

9. Experience a new self care treatment. 

10. Go on a girls trip. 

11. Go on a sibling(s) trip. 

12. Find something that is specifically spiritually uplifting to do every Sunday. 

13. Visit a lake.  

14. Go on at least one mom time of their choice with each child. 

15. Write letters/emails to 50 women who have been inspirational to me. 

16. Find something meaningful to do for others in honor of each of my parents' birthdays. 

17. Break the habit of worrying about things I cannot change. 

18. Give away ALL clothes that do not fit anymore. 

19. Deep clean my home. 

20. Complete the revisions on my will. 

21. Revise and renew life insurance. 

22. Evaluate every expense, and cancel anything that is not truly beneficial. 

23. Create an exercise plan to do for a minimum of ten weeks in a row to create healthier habits. 

24. Go on a picnic. 

25. Go to a day spa for at least a half day. 

26. Try a new exercise class, and stick with it at least five times. 

27. Organize a neighborhood cleanup. 

28. Complete or give/throw away all unfinished craft projects. 

29. Donate to a book drive. 

30. Watch the sun rise. 

31. Try a new recipe. 

32. Donate to a humanitarian effort. 

33. Play at least one round of golf (probably go to the driving range a couple of times first). 

34. Visit the state capitol. 

35. Complete a 1000-piece puzzle.

36. Attend a city council meeting. 

37. Make a better habit of taking walks around the neighborhood/walking to church. 

38. Eat a sausage roll (going to York to do so is recommended but optional). 

39. Do a 30-day sugar detox. 

40. Cultivate and practice daily gratitude. 

41. Increase temple attendance, and set the bar there. 

42. Go dancing. 

43. Work on seeing how to truly forgive an enemy, and do it

44. Read at least five books from my physical TBR pile of books that are NOT book club reading. 

45. Create a classic films movie marathon lineup, and invite guests. 

46. Brush up on Spanish. 

47. Permanently break the habit of being undecided at restaurants. 

48. Create a calming and inviting office space. 

49. Decide on a top 50 films list. 

50. Actually decide on what to do, then organize and celebrate my fiftieth birthday. 

I took a few months to ponder what I would like to do for this year ahead of me, but I also just made the literal list to make it authentic. I want to be adventurous, giving, and growing this year. If you want to add to the list of ideas, I am totally open to hearing what you have to offer because my list is not exhaustive (and even feels a little flat to me for some reason). And if you want to check back or subscribe to watch for any updates, I hope you will comment as you celebrate along with me! 

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