Juliet: Worth the Read

I was going to talk about the latest and greatest going on in my autism world. Then, I thought about telling you about the awesome service I received from my friends yesterday and give a commentary on how fabulous a good girl friend is to have. Then, I decided to discuss one of the most interesting historical fiction books I have read lately--

The book, Juliet by Anne Fortier, was given to me for my birthday by my superfriend Melissa (FYI: a superfriend goes beyond best or even BFF).
The author takes the Shakespeare play of Romeo and Juliet and the historical legends, facts, whatever you want to call them, and intertwines fact, fantasy, and literature to make an intriguing, adventurous, self-discovering, love story.  If you don't read anything with swearing or taking the Lord's name in vain, this might not be a book for you. I am not really into reading all that stuff, but I liked the meat of the story and just took my little black gel pen I was using for marginal notes and did a bit of editing as I went along.  Not saying you need to color in your junk, it's just what I do.

There were several thought-provoking and inspiring quotes that I uncovered and I want to share this one where the Maestro (village painter) is speaking to Romeo (the real one from Shakespearean times—not the play or the present):

"There is lust, you know, and then there is love. They are related, but still very different things. To indulge in one requires little but honeyed speech and a change of clothes; to obtain the other, by contrast, a man must give up his rib. In return, his woman will undo the sin of Eve, and bring him back into Paradise" (85).

With permissible infidelity out on the table, it is imperative to also show examples of real love.  This quote describes it quite romantically, but it captures the product of giving complete fidelity. Giving, healing, receiving are all vital in experiencing actual love.

related link:
all things purple: Kissing, the Movies, and Permissible Infidelity


  1. I just finished reading this book! I really like this quote as well. I thought the idea of the book was intriguing and I liked her writing style, especially with the past Romeo and Juliet. I've also been thinking lately about the difference between love and lust. I think it's something worth discussing, especially with our youth.

  2. I LOVE this quote. I was just having a conversation with Maddie the other day about this very topic (the difference between love and lust), and I am thinking that the inspiration for this blog post was revelation from Heavenly Father received through you for me. hehe. Thanks for sharing. I am going to have to share this quote with Madison. ;)

  3. I'm intrigued and ready to order this book from the library. I'm always up for a good book recommendation. Thanks for the great quote. Your last paragraph was especially fabulous! Reminded me of Elder Oaks talk which I was thinking was entitled Love and Lust. But upon further downloading...it's entitled Love and Law of course. I found a great quote for you. I'll share it with you on email.

  4. All people need to really look at what love really looks like. Media is pushing one agenda and I would not call it a Truth Project. But we must remember our stewardship over our families and the youth that are under our wing looking to us for their example of how to be and we should evaluate what love looks like to us and if it is the real thing or some mutation.

    My article on love addiction will be published this summer...I will let everyone know when/where to get a copy of the journal when it comes out. I think you might enjoy it if you were intrigued by this.


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