Swearing and Sugar: a deadly combination

stuff to say instead of swearing -- literal quotes from out of my mouth (or head)

1. that's a load of living garbage
2. now that was special
3. stupid stuff!
4. what in the world...
5. That is such a cuss word
6. I will not break the honor code over getting angry
7.What is wrong with you people?
8. super fun! (said with absolute sarcasm)
9. gotta love it
10. and then every once in awhile, my Texan sailor roots come out and so does a swear word.

Along with the sugar thing...I am totally struggling with the swearing thing. I know I can actually overcome this bad habit and have made SIGNIFICANT progress.
Just remind me about my expectations next time I am super upset about something. ok? 

Update on the One Woman Junkfood Party Ban: 
I made it Monday-Thursday with flying colors, then chaperoned my little daughter's birthday outing to a softball game and ate ice cream, hot chocolate, and three foot long donuts...then she wanted to go to a buffet the next day for her birthday lunch with the family.  I only had a large scoop of baked chocolate pudding cake--it could have been way worse.  So you know, I am now back on track since Sunday and plan on staying that way at least till Friday again. What is up with all these special events on weekends??? I will definitely do a confession if I eat more than just a piece of cake... :)


  1. I wish you the best of luck on overcoming swearing! I know that you can do it!

    Have an amazing day!
    XO Shar!

  2. What about 11: I'm going to whoop your fanny! Or my personal favorite: That's HIGHLY unfortunate! And your food confessional is getting awkward. Just sayin'
    Also, I made sure and clicked the Cheese Whiz button again. I. Just. Can't. Help. Myself. ;)

  3. Thanks for the encouragement Shar!

    @Melissa: I forgot about how I say highly unfortunate...dude that belongs on there. I must revise I think.

    and about the food confessional--I had to do it. I can look back, read how much garbage I ate and NOT do it again. It is for me as much as any other food addict out there :)

    I agree. the posting was absolute cheese whiz for sure!!

  4. Ha! I'm gonna have to give some of those a try!

  5. FYI: saying "that's highly unfortunate" really works. It can actually put a smile on your face even if you are seriously ticked because of the absolute truth statement it makes. I can't tell you how many times I started to giggle at myself when I might have cussed and stayed angry :)


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