Jane's Silence

Our human nature causes us to desire peace and love. There are countless times in life when struggles are present and the pensive silence necessary to realize the best decision cannot compete, rather it seems like it can't. We fight with our natural need to stop and listen to our conscience by reading more self-help books, talking to five more people to see what they think, when all we need do is stop and listen with our hearts.  I do not say to quit reading self-help books, scriptures, or seeking guidance from counselors/friends. All these steps are vital in decision-making. All these avenues have given me direction and understanding. What I am saying is that at some point we need to open our hearts and just feel the answer. Stop over-thinking, worrying, and, yes, even crying long enough to allow our hearts and heads to connect.

In Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Jane experiences this necessary silence.

Mr. Rochester confesses that he should have loved her enough to trust her and gives too little too late. While he pours out these words to her, Jane sits silent. She is so silent that he pauses to notice. At this interruption, Bronte allows the audience to witness Jane's silent heart-mind connection:

"I was experiencing an ordeal: a hand of fiery iron grasped my vitals. Terrible moment: full of struggle, blackness, burning! Not a human being that ever lived could wish to be loved better than I was loved; and him who thus loved me I absolutely worshipped: and I must renounce love and idol. One drear word comprised my intolerable duty--'Depart!'" (315).

Oftentimes, our trials do not hang on such dramatic terms, yet at times they do. Silent pondering--not worry or frenzy--will open up the windows of the heart and mind, making decisions absent of regret real possibilities.



  1. "Let us be silent that we may hear the whisper of God." --Ralph Waldo Emerson


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