portrait of a lady

Through the Eyes of a Child
Who knew how important a little tuck into bed could be? 
When asked why he loves me, the smallest thing I could offer him is what he appreciates enough to remember. Amazing.

The one thing about this absolutely adorable photo that bothers me is that my son thinks my hair looks that crazy. 

Even then, I believe this is the best description of me to date. 
No one has ever thought I looked 14 feet tall!
And my hair is a touch on the crazy side...


  1. I found your link on Char's blog directory. Since it had purple in the title I knew I had to check it out. Then I saw your name is Laura and I knew I should be here!

    What a fun memory you have from your son. And tucking in at night is extremely important!

  2. glad you found my little purple spot in the world...
    We have a good time on here and I hope you will be glad to follow and join in the conversation.
    I <3 your name!


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