Obscure Movie Possibility

 I don't know about you, but it is hard to find a movie that operates on a spiritual level that also operates on a quality level--not that we need to get a spiritual boost from everything we watch. I just think it would be nice to go to the movies and not get so assaulted with things opposite to spirituality all the time. I try to live a Christ-centered life and it gets hard sometimes to keep a positive and kind attitude after viewing so much killing, adultery, swearing, etc. when supposedly being entertained. Just a thought.

After reading this article, I think I might take the time to watch this one. If you have already seen it, leave us a thumbs up or thumbs down!  I will do the same once I see it.


  1. I saw the preview for it on KSL a few weeks ago and about threw the laptop across the room. Big yucky snake, and it was a close up picture. Probably won't see the movie, but let me know what you think.

  2. Agree with ya that they don't make good spiritual, inspirational movies anymore. It's all about high-tech effects and lots of ratings. I'll have to check out this movie though. Thanks for coming by Espanol para Ninos.
    have a Great awesOme Day!!!


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