The Brighter Side of Things

Over the past several days, I have been pondering on the many cute, funny, and interesting things that come with Autism. You always hear about the problems, the less than desirable behaviors, the issues. Plus, there is that all encompassing label that must be placed upon the individual in order to get them the interventions, therapy, and other services needed to get functioning at top performance (for her/him anyway).

I was coming through my front door a few weeks ago and some neighbors were walking by to get to the neighborhood park by my house. The typical little brother had a kite in his hand and was running to get to the fun, while his older brother, who is diagnosed with a form of Autism, sauntered by playing with grass or a weed or something. He was enraptured with shredding the plant into little bits and began giggling over it. This darling boy didn't need to arrive at a park to begin having his fun; he was already having it.

My daughter with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) adores telling people that their shirt is pretty. Since she started middle school two years ago, we have had to intervene a bit and teach her to tell boys that their shirt looks cool or awesome. Not sure if she understands the why part, but she tries to remember. No middle school boy wants to be told their shirt is pretty. Talk about the opposite of boosting self-confidence! And if you did a study on the amount of compliments she gives to people in sweats, I would definitely say her favorite color is heather grey. This girl enjoys spreading happiness. You can really tell when people acknowledge her compliment and tell her that her shirt is pretty. I'm telling you she acts genuinely shocked and amazed that she could have on something cute too.  She says, "Me?!" and I tell her, "Yes, you. Your shirt is pretty too" and it goes just like that every single time.

Yes, there are hard, embarrassing, and just plain nuts aspects to ASD, yet there exists a great deal of surprisingly good and special blessings that come with being around a child with this particular disability. My life has been enriched beyond my comprehension from knowing these two incredible individuals and I know that everyone who takes some time to see the brighter side of ASD shares in their excitement over little things too. Even if it is just for a moment.

related link:
all things purple: My Sweetie Girl

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