The Beginning of the Beginning

Since this photograph is buried at the very bottom of the pile and has been sorely overlooked, I thought I would pull it out of its obscurity for everyone to enjoy. One of my friend cousins was over at my house in the Fall a few years back and recognized a photo-op supreme.

all things purple: the first purple thing...


  1. oh this is beautiful. I love those flowers...I also love the new 'look' on your blog my friend...very nice and calming place to come and visit!

  2. glad you like the photo. it was my initial inspiration to start a blog.

    and melody-mae: i am SO gald you enjoy the renovations. i started out with a flat black background and have been trying on new looks ever since. this background actually was in the halloween category! why should black and purple only be good for halloween? it is right up my alley...

  3. Great to find your from Blogfrog. Love the purple template to your blog! So beautiful!
    A new follower,


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