Reflection and Resolution

I will preface my list with an explanation...

I don't really believe in making New Year's Resolutions. There is something all too shallow about a practice so widely unsuccessful and, in reality, hailed for its ineffectiveness. Statistics, comic strips, jokes, etc. displaying the ridiculousness of the practice keep me from participating. I am a goal-driven sort of person, and if I make the effort to set a goal, creating a joke out of it just bothers me and it is not worth my time. I take my goals seriously; probably too seriously at times, I am sure.With all these things said, I would like to take the opportunity to share some of the hopes I have for this coming year.

My first hope for this year is that I will find the strength to carry on without feeling so hyper and ragged. I want to cultivate an ability to rely more upon the Savior and guidance from God's Holy Spirit in my daily interactions. I believe this will allow me to feel greater depth of inner peace that I do not currently enjoy.

Next, I hope to gain more knowledge. Being in school nearly guarantees me success in this area, but the quality and depth of knowledge is what I speak of. I desire to do more than gain a skimming of a topic. I want to be able to write more in Spanish, speak Spanish more accurately, and understand Spanish at a much higher level. I hope to learn how to teach in ways that will tap into my natural talents, enabling me to make a difference in students' lives because I have gained enough knowledge to do so.

One last hope and prayer is for peace: peace in my personal life; peace in my heart; peace in my home; peace in my community; peace for the suffering of the world; peace in the minds and hearts of community and world leaders that they might make better choices; peace for all. I hope to live to see the day when peace is the norm and I can rest my weary mind from all the insecurities and heartache caused by strife.

I welcome 2012 with an open heart-- hoping to learn, grow, and love in ways I have yet to experience.

Thank you to all my readers for making 2011 a great year to begin blogging. The support for and level of interest given my writing have amazed and blessed my life on many, many occasions. Each of you has given me hope to keep trying and learning and writing.

Happy New Year 2012, everyone!!!

I also hope for a better camera in 2012. Until then, great shots will continue to turn out mediocre at best. 


  1. Happy 2012 going in with an open heart is huge.

  2. Well said. If only everyone could wish for peace then maybe one day it will happen.

    P.S - I have an obsession with purple things too - It's not a favourite colour it's a way of life!


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