All Things Purple Top Ten of 2011

For your reading and viewing enjoyment, click each title...

TEN.  I Will Survive!

NINE.  Everlasting Hopefulness

EIGHT.  Another Chapter in My Project

SEVEN.  A Few Things I Cannot Photograph

SIX.  An Angel Has Flown

FIVE.  The Best Pumpkin Cookie Recipe Yet Written

FOUR.  A Bit of Small Talk

THREE.  The Best White Bread Recipe Yet Written

TWO.  My Hope For Eternity

ONE.  In Her Footsteps

When I began this adventure, I could never have known how well-loved my poetry and other musings would become. All I can do is look forward to the approaching year and what is in store for All Things Purple: the blog. Knowing that people like what I share causes me to hope more than I dared to before and to see that I can reach farther than I thought possible.

Thank you for reading, enjoying, and sharing these pieces of my heart.

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