Just Talk About It

The first thought that comes to me when recalling my abuse:

I would not have been abused for as many years if I would have known that the blackmailing jerk really had nothing on me because my mom really did want to protect me and I was not the one doing bad things to people.

I encourage all parents and caregivers to talk about how to be safe from abusers with the children you love and protect. Talk to them about what they should do if anyone ever tries to or does hurt them. And be sure to spell out that it doesn't matter who it is because sometimes it is a family member or trusted friend that does the abusing. As a matter of fact, I believe abusers typically fit that description. Not always, but enough to make me shudder at the thought.

A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT brought to you with love and hope for a good society by me, The Purple Lady.

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