On a Whim...

i {heart} BYU
All silliness aside, I must say how grateful I am to be attending such a fine university. I am learning more than I ever thought possible! Each semester, I have faith-building experiences, grow in knowledge, and make some of the dearest friends.

I never could have imagined all the amazing adventures I would have with fellow students who don't mind and even admire me for surviving my insane, non-traditional student life. My heart is bursting with gladness for each and every person who has thought outside the box and learned to include me and be my true friend. Some of my most cherished memories with mis chicas include going to the Nutcracker Suite, a Halloween dance party, a matinee of The Magic Flute, photography sessions at the railroad tracks and school, a study session deemed as fabulous as a tea party, cleaning session at my house where no judgments were made (that I know of), fire pit parties, lovely meals after class, and countless hours of talk, talk, talking. If I had done things the supposed right way, I would not be making these priceless friends right now, so I am glad I did things a little differently.

My life is enriched and enlivened by so many unexpected friendships. They help keep a sparkle in my eye and hope in my heart that things will all work out.

Thanks, girls.

photo credit: K. Johns (one of mis chicas)


  1. I LOVE this! I'm so glad we're friends :) You are wonderful!

    1. Obviously, I am glad we're friends too. I'm so happy you "LOVE" it and I think you are wonderful as well. Thanks again.


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