
I've been told

by certain types of people

I guess I do it sometimes
and at other times
I believe
and maybe, just maybe,
so much that I
make a fool of myself
until afterwards
when realization sinks in
and I see how

--Not all people--

really like me

Some people even 
and those people never imply that

...disregarding times when I might.

special thanks goes to
for sharing her time and talents with us
and for humoring me 

A handful of my favorite poems
I've written thus far:


  1. No one talks too much...some people just can't listen a lot. I love your presentation. It is refreshing after a long month of words. Thank you for sharing and blogging.

  2. Oooh... the format of this was so effective! I really like how you set it up. Creative. It's important to surround ourselves by those that affect us in positive ways and help us become the best version of ourselves, not those that do the opposite. Thank you for being here this past month!

  3. Very very cool with perfect music. Glad I finally got here on our last day of Slicing. See you Tuesday

  4. I love how you did this! I want to know how to do it! Very cool!


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