purple pancakes

Sometimes we just need someone to intervene in the midst of a rough day. Well, at least I do. One of my sweet friends decided I didn't seem quite right over this past week and invited herself over yesterday.

It was the best of times. We cleaned and baked and played and made the most purplicious pancakes a person could ever want. It was actually HRH {D}'s idea to spice them up, and she executed the plan to exactness.

pancake batter by HRH {D} photographs by S. Simonsen

{D} started off by putting a few drops at a time (several times) of purple food coloring, with me giving up and squirting the container as hard as I could into the bowl. We ended up with a shade of purpleness so outrageously loud and fabulous! And they even tasted good.

Purple pancakes with Boysenberry syrup
Moral of the story:
To add color to life, spend time with friends and use LOTS of artificial food dye.


  1. I love the moral of this story, "To add color to life, spend time with friends and use LOTS of artificial food dye." I smiled while reading this slice.

    1. I love smiles! So happy you enjoyed today's writing.

  2. Straight away I thought of the poem about wearing purple and NOT growing old gracefully - wish I could remember more about it than that!

    1. If you can't remember more, make up your own poem! It sounds like you got a spark of inspiration going there. Thank you for stopping by my purple niche.

  3. I love pancakes and I love the color purple. I never thought about combining the two! This is an awesome idea. I hope they tasted as good as they look! :)

    1. They were delish! We made extra, so today was just as deliciously purple at the breakfast table. Thanks for joining in the conversation. Hope to see you around here more often. :)

  4. My daughter saw your post - guess what we're having for breakfast this morning?!

    1. Now that's the kind of inspiration I'm talking about! We will start a purple pancake movement!! You must tell us all how it went. Happy Sunday!

  5. Love it! You are right PURPLE does make everything seem brighter! What a wonderful friend to take time and give you the best gift of all . . . "time"

    1. You got the point of my entire story: the gift of time. I described how we spent it and a product of it, but it all boils down to the gift. Thank you for joining the conversation. I hope you visit again soon.

  6. I love your new motto! Can I quote you on my blog? http://reflectionsontheteche.wordpress.com/

    1. I would be flattered by a quote. Yes, you may certainly do so. (You seem like the type that would know to link back to me for credit.)

      Glad you enjoyed the post!

  7. Love it! lol Great post... I think I see purple pancakes in the near future...

    Found you in the March blog hop =)

  8. Oh I love it! It's all about adding joy to our days and for me too, a punch of colour can perk me up, big time, but I'm all about pink and lime green. No idea why, just love 'em!
    Glad I hopped over from Bloggy Moms :)

  9. This is great! It is funny that kids are more likely to eat brightly colored things too. Need to try this mine... if i can figure out how to dye broccoli purple.

    And did you know it is #purpleday for epilepsy awareness? As a mama of a child who had epilepsy, this makes me smile too, even if it is a coincidence! :)



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