Missing Her and Waiting

Nine years have past, as of today, since my mother departed from this earthly existence. I do not dare ask if it is normal, but I miss her every day of life, especially this day.

She was a good mother, a most decidedly imperfect mother, yet one of such vibrancy and lovingkindness in all her motivations to make her someone to celebrate for all time. I have made it part of my mission in life to celebrate her at every turn, to seek for opportunities to do so, and to help those who never met her feel as if they know her somewhat by knowing me. 

My love and appreciation for her is woven into the very fabric of my being now. I cannot imagine not missing her, for there is something missing in every part of every day that I am incapable of asking her for advice, getting a hug, or begging her to please bring my keys so I can stop being locked out of my car or house.
Missing Her

Hearing her sing.
Hearing her laugh.
Hearing her play the piano.
These things I miss.
Seeing her rushing around trying to do everything.
Seeing her reading books and filling up crossword puzzles.
Seeing her pull up in front of my house.
These things I miss more.
Feeling her care by the letters she would write to me.
Feeling her love as she loved on my children. 
Feeling her presence because she was physically there.
These things I miss so much I can't find the words. 

I wait for the day when we will meet again, when we can wrap our arms around each other in love and understanding and blissful reunion.

some memories, recipes, and poems:

My Hope For Eternity

Mud Pies

Freaked Out! Friday!

In Her Footsteps

The Best White Bread Recipe Yet Written

Moms, Pepsi, and the First Day of School

Realizing Beauty

The Best Pumpkin Cookie Recipe Yet Written


  1. What a beautiful way to remember your mom today. Thank you for sharing it with us, and praying you have a beautiful and peaceful day!

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I love how you described your mom as imperfect but yet she sounded so perfect in her imperfection. I love how you stated that you have made it your mission to celebrate her at every turn. What a beautiful way to honor your mother.

  3. I'm feeling a lump in my throat. For you and your feelings as well as for me, as I so miss my own dad. We are blessed to have those relationships, but when they are gone it is so hard to hang on until we meet again.


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