
Aunts are a unique breed of human. I think they are the only people in this existence who can scare you to death and make you love them to pieces at different stages in life or even all at the same time. I have a few aunts who fit this description.

Because I didn't see them as often as some other family members, these particular aunts were mysterious to me. I loved their smiles and the hugs they would give. One aunt I had only met once as a child, getting to know her more through the letters her daughter would write to me as we developed a pen pal bond as cousins. Since I didn't know these women very well, they were a type of stranger to me--beloved strangers.  Any attention they gave me as I was growing up was decidedly memorable, yet I never thought they would be so important to me later on in life...

Now, today, these mysterious creatures are heaven sent angels. Each of them provides me with portions of love I never thought replaceable once my mother left the world. They have this way of listening, providing just the right advice balanced with affection and wisdom. These aunts show me, by example, how to be. How to be a woman. How to be good. How to love.

As I am an aunt myself, I hope one day my nieces and nephews might consider me a mysteriously scary yet lovingly wise influence in their lives.


  1. So glad for you that you have such wonderful, beloved aunts in your life...and I'm sure one day your nieces and nephews will think the same about you! I'm going on a trip this weekend with my to visit my only aunt still mom is 79, and she was the youngest child in her family of 11. I was blessed with MANY aunts!

    1. I have a slew of aunts, but only a few who meet this magical mark. I hope your trip was lovely!

  2. I've been thinking about my role as an aunt this past week. Your description is a great model to follow. Even though I can't be physically close for frequent visits, I can be a support.
    Enjoy your aunts.

  3. I am sorry that your mother is not still living. Thank you for sharing your story of the aunts who are in your life to love and support you. And you get to be a loving aunt to your nieces and nephews.


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