
I need them to keep going
Writing and talking and typing
Used, manipulated, celebrated
They are my friend 
They are my enemy
At times, I lose them
Or, rather, they run away
Escaping from reality
Not able to inspire
Cutting, biting, binding
Into life they go
Without a thought to how
The impression will impact
Lives with a fervor
Even a debilitating fever,
At times, suffocating
The ability to care
Most times, enabling
The ability to ensnare
Lovers, friends, foes
Captivating with a line
Of recognizable woes
Enchanting with a string
Of most fantastical kinds
Of amorous things
Actions speak louder than these
Yet, they find their way in
Nestling in hidden passageways
Waiting, wanting 
To spring forth at opportune times
Wishes are more wishful
Tears are made more bitter
Fear is given flight
When life is dark
Reminding us all 
That without them
We would barely exist.
Without them
I would not have 
Discovered you, 

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