China Doll

Walking into the room of loved ones
Standing, sitting, crying, hugging,
An unexpected warmth touched upon,
Brushed my skin and entered my heart
Never to part for it changed me.

Embracing my aching, dying-inside friend

Love, this great love, growing
As our souls communicate even still.
Reintroduced to her darling angel
Once again reminded of the brevity
Of time given us on Earth.

Looking at this dear, sweet child
At rest finally, at peace eternally
Her rosy cheeks and ivory reflection
Showed how lovely life will be
When we are no longer china dolls
But Celestial beings.

Reaching toward understanding,
She teaches me how to love and appreciate
Every moment, every fragile memory.
I look forward to expressing my deep gratitude
To my friend, grown and in all her glory, resplendent.

In loving memory of Sofia

related links:

An Angel Has Flown

My Hope For Eternity

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