Shoelaces for Christmas

Shoelaces for ChristmasShoelaces for Christmas by Craig S. Buehner

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

While this is a shorter length book, Shoelaces for Christmas by Craig S. Buehner packs a whole lot of story into its few pages. The story starts out at a gripping pace and never lets off the gas.

This is a story of how life's challenges and the suffering of others changes a young man's perspective on what Christmas and even what life means to him. I was compelled to read and read until I had it finished. There is never a slow moment--only layers of meaningful expressions teaching about life and love and the gift of Christmas. 

My heart was truly touched as I was moved to tears by this beautiful story, and I encourage everyone to give it a read. You'll be glad you did.

View all my reviews
I was given a copy of this book in exchange for this honest review, as well as a copy to give away to one of you lucky readers. Merry Christmas!


  1. Don't know when i'll have the time to actually read it ;D but it sounds like a beautiful story. *raising hand to be first in line for the give-away copy* :D TIA & a Merry Christmas to U & URs

  2. I just finished The 13th Day of Christmas. I hope I win this one so I can get started on another good Christmas book. :)

  3. Christmas is my favorite holiday. Reading is not my best suite, however knowing that it is a short, fast paced read, I'm sure I'll finish it on a Sunday afternoon. Thanks for doing this and sharing your opinion.

  4. I love reading Christmas books. It's one of my favorite traditions!

  5. This sounds like MY kind of book! Would really love to getit!


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