Seeking to Become - December 2012

...Because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.
1 John 4:9-11

Spending the past month or so pondering on 1 John Chapter 4 in The New Testament has led me to know what I want to focus on this month for Seeking to Become and ever after: learning to love as God loves.

Let us look to the Lord's perfect example of love. He loves continually no matter what we do. He sent his Son to establish His gospel and atone for our sins. And by him providing that example for us--his children--we must have the divine ability to love continually as well. I do not think it an easy task, but it is a simple task. It boils down to seeing what needs to change and doing it.

I will seek out ways to be more patient, kind, and peaceful especially in difficult situations. It is very easy to be kind and patient when things are going well, but it is in the challenging moments when we (our resolve to love) will be tested. Love does not mean take people's garbage when they treat you ill, but it means to not harbor grudges, express love after having to discipline a child, and working things out and saying you're sorry when problems arise. Forgiving others translates into love.

Please join with me in seeking to become more loving to everyone regardless of how they treat you in return so that we might enjoy the peace that will come from seeking to be more like the Father and his Son, the Savior, even Jesus Christ. 

1 comment:

  1. This is something that I definitely need to be working on right now! I am struggling with some things in my life and I'm finding it extremely difficult to be patient and loving to my children (who have absolutely nothing to do with my trial). Every night when I go to bed I say to myself, "I'll do better tomorrow". At least I'm trying :)


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