sleep: my enemy, my friend

flower afhan made by my mom
As I type this, I find that all I wish I were doing was sleeping.  

Bodies and brains need this stuff to carry on, or, trust me on this one, they shut down.  It doesn't matter what homework assignment you shoulda coulda woulda been doing if sleep comes calling your name. It just demands payment. 

Stressful times tend to demand even more sleep, too. I don't know about you, but it doesn't seem very convenient or helpful to be nodding off in classes or needing to steal a nap almost every day just to survive being awake. Yet, somehow I think that succumbing to sleep might be what is getting me through--that one little thing that makes a big difference.

Now, how about that nap?


  1. Yes stressful times do demand more sleep...yet this is when sleep is the hardest to come by! I certainly understand what you mean. Yea go ahead a take a nap..of course this is something I would never do for some reason.

    1. It is funny how that works. We need something, but it's harder to get when it's so important. And I did take that nap. :)

  2. You are so right. Stress (mind and body) both increase my need for sleep 10 fold!

  3. In winter time (both literally and figuratively speaking) I find I need more sleep. Nap away if you can.

  4. You sweet bear, did you get your nap?

    1. I've never been called a sweet bear. I like it! And yes, I did get one. I had a headache that would not go away until I slept.


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