aunts and uncles


Bobbie: A great story teller, always smiling
Mona: A heart so big and full of love, and my genealogy buddy
Becky: Amazing Soprano voice; I wanted to sing like her when I was little
Marilyn: A beloved example of true charity; fills one of the holes left by my mother passing away
Laura: A zany aunt who is always the most fun; I aspire to be this kind of aunt actually
Tina: Peaceful, loving, and everlastingly kind to others
Carol: A great hugger
Effie: Reminds me the most of my grandmother--her mother--who I have only seen in photos
Jenni: Accepting of others and very sweet

Ben: Stern, but caring and a hard worker; an excellent baker
Howard: Musical and a party starter
Sam: All around fun; sings, creative, Star Wars fan, builds stuff, phenomenal cake decorator
David: Highly talented chef, thoughtful, and kind

Tex: Tall, kind, and generous in heart
Bill: A real life Popeye with the anchor tattoo and everything; a good man
Honorable mentions

Great Aunt Laura: A beautiful example of love for one's family, great memory, and so loving

Great Aunt Jean: Friend to my father and a skilled maker of quilts

Related links:

52 Gems of Reflection 

 Life Lessons

Bring It On! 

Every Single One  

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