Night Whispers

Words come to her through the softness of his whispers
A million emotions fly to and through their breaths
Gliding through stories, written and untold, only to hide
Behind the tears that rise and spill over
Salt in unbeknownst wounds, wet on wet, uncomfortable
Sliding quietly onto her care worn, war torn cheeks

Perceived these, he did
Enough to send them gushing
Reached out the best he could.

Briskly wiping them away
Whisking away her feelings
As promptly as they arrived.

Tell me your stories that I may find mine, she says.
Share with me my broken heart that's been long forgotten
Yet beckons, even begs, to be reclaimed. 
Give me back the part of my heart I gave to you
That I might have it to lose again another day.

Memories breed, forging new ones in their moment.
The night whispers of love and friendship tried and true.
Every breath spent recounting this broken heart's start—it's end.


  1. Amazing. I am speechless, and that's not easy to do.

  2. Beautiful. The image of him wiping away her tears - and her feelings - is a powerful one. It may inspire a future slice for me! Thanks.

  3. Breathtaking. There are times that I wish to have part of my heart back when I've given it away. But nowadays, I realize that while generous with heart, mine is seldom really out there for the taking except with the dearest of friends. But even then it knows danger... and sometimes, it gets broken even when it has already started retreating. But that is the gift of being human and knowing love--both romantic and with friends.

  4. Well, I thought I had commented on this and I don't see it. I like how you asked for the part of your heart that you gave away so that you could lose it again. That states it all in scuh a gripping way. Very nice. Jackie

  5. Tell me your stories that I may find mine, she says.
    Share with me my broken heart that's been long forgotten
    Yet beckons, even begs, to be reclaimed

    Powerful. You have such a command on language!


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