Seeking to Become: August 2013

This month marks two years of doing this Seeking to Become series, and I have to say it has been a very good thing for my personal growth. I missed a couple of months this past year, so it hasn't been as faithful of an endeavor, but the benefits have been measurable, all the same. Challenging myself amidst the difficult trials of life that I am facing has given me a positive focus, and it is enriching to have a few people here and there piping in from time to time. My hope is that, as I continue to seek to become more like the Savior, I will be able to rise above my weaknesses with more strength than before, that I might be able to get to know Christ better by walking in his ways.

As this next year of challenges arise, I look forward to more participation and reflection. 

Throughout July and even now, I have been thinking a great deal on the state of affairs in my home--how the divorce is affecting my children--and I came across these verses in Jeremiah which have brought me great comfort and focus.

Thus saith the Lord; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they shall come again from the land of the enemy.
And there is hope for thy future, saith the Lord, that thy children shall come again to their own border. 
Jeremiah 31: 16-17
I intend to work more diligently to refrain from weeping and worry, placing extra emphasis on the goal this month. Please join me, if you will.

For your reading pleasure, I have included links to this past year's series, as well as the introduction from August 2011:

Introduction - August 2011

Humility - September 2012

Comfort - October 2012

Replenishment - November 2012

Loving others - December 2012

Defend and do justice - January 2013

Fear not - February 2013

Love - March 2013

An epistle of Christ - May 2013

Service - June 2013

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