Top Ten Readers' Choice 2013

Another year gone by and I still have barely a clue as to what I'm doing here. We seem to have a pretty good racket going on though: I write. You read. We share. 

Without all of your encouragement, I might have quit writing at a few points during this past year. I seriously owe each one of you—whether you comment or not—for showing up to read and share what I have to offer. My confidence as a writer continues to wax stronger every day because of you. Thank you for being a part of this dynamic year of red, blue, and the ever-present purple moments. 

Without further ado, I give you the All Things Purple: Top Ten Readers' Choice 2013: 

Honorable Mention: PURPLE: An Acrostic Poem


  1. Lovely compilation! I enjoyed the journey anew. The joy, pain, confusion, certainties of life given a beautiful purple glow! Thanks for being you. I know we haven't met and that our journeys on this planet differ vastly, but I feel I know you. If I get the courage to blog, maybe you will get to know me a little too!


    1. Your words are so generous. Thank you! I am grateful for you, Connie!

  2. Way to be writing for an audience, like us.

    P(eople wonder why)
    (yo)U (write, share and)
    R(emember the world as it is, was and will be, but)
    P(lacing memories in perspective, sharing)
    L(ove of all things is what)
    E(nriches our lives as reader and writers in these digital spaces)

    -- inspired by yer purple poem


    1. Your poetic replies always catch my eye especially. Thank you for replying in a language I love. It is refreshing. Thank you!

  3. I can't believe I haven't read your blog until today! I'm in love!! Will you continue the 52 Gems of Reflection for the new year? I read Life Lessons and loved it. Oh, I'm addicted. I believe I'll be reading lots of your blog today. Thanks for posting. I LOVE finding new blogs!

    1. I'm so happy you've discover me, too! And that you have enjoyed the experience. :) I've been considering continuing the 52 Gems series, but not sure yet. You are more than welcome to link up to any of the writing prompts though. I would love to read your take on any of them.

  4. I'm with you. Community supports the tough demands of writing regularly. Simple but so critical. :)

    1. I appreciate the way you put that: "Community supports the tough demands of writing regularly." Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  5. I, too, like this "racket" - especially since it yields such a treasure trove of writing as found in your acrostic. Happy New Year!


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