the short list

The end is near, and I know I did well. Student teaching looked insurmountable just a few short months ago when considering all the other problems I am facing right now. However, I did make it. It wasn't all on my own though. I did all the work, of course, but I have had phenomenal support from family, neighbors, friends, and my teaching mentor and supervisor.

I could not have faced some of the days that I had without all the texts almost every single day no matter what's going down, last minute dinner deliveries, cleaning crews (need I say more), front porch conversations, late night middle of the sidewalk in the rain while I cry hugs, sanity saving Sonic runs, Chik-fil-A light lemonade, and so much more. I can't even keep track. Maybe when everything simmers down and I can take a moment longer to think, I will write it all down.

Until then, just know that even you reading this and following my journey has given me a bit of wind for these wings of mine. And I thank you all. 


  1. Finding the finish line is a very satisfying feeling. Congratulations!

  2. HOORAY! It feels so good to finish something hard. Student teaching is a hard thing. I'm glad you had good friends, and awesome lemonade, to see you through. Stick around and let us know how your first of teaching goes! (PS: BYU? I'm a Utah girl by birth. :) Are you married? I have a friend working on an M. Ed. at the Y right now. He's single and cute. LOL)


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