my mini-me

My younger daughter. It is no small thing to see yourself so completely in someone else.

This girl reaches out in surprising ways on a regular basis. She is so helpful and kind. Her thoughtfulness, mindfulness, and consideration for the big picture makes family life so good. I marvel sometimes at how she even knows to do some of the things she does. She has a soft heart, but I need to be sure to be glad for being able to see how she is like me. On hard days, I see her do nice things and I am comforted and reminded.

Because she is so much like me, she reminds me that I can excel, that I am helpful and kind, and that seeing the world in a positive light is invaluable. Her example helps me remember who I want to be as I see her becoming a wonderful young woman.

When she talks about things she is excited about, I hear myself. Whenever she gets negative about the world around us, I see myself too. I'm thankful for her beautiful complexity that blesses our family every day. 

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