unexpected blessings

My baby. Well, he's not a baby anymore. He will be turning ten years old pretty soon, and that's definitely not the time for measuring age by weeks. So anyway. 

This little boy reaches out to me daily for help. He is able to show me my purpose as a mother in his observations. He shows me that I am a teacher of life and that I need to remember my purpose and who I am in order to help my family the best. 

The terrible thing about the whole situation is that I resented getting pregnant. I was ready to be done having babies and begin going to school, but instead, I had to restart the countdown. There were other factors for why I was resentful about being pregnant again, but I don't want to get into all that. The most important part is how I learned so much about life and myself simply in the process of finding peace about having an unexpected baby. 

I'm grateful to have sacrificed to have this sweet little guy of mine. From the day he was born, I could tell he would teach me things, and in his quiet ways, he does. 

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