
"Oh the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them out." 
— George Eliot

I read this quote (among several others) on a friend's blog, Ascending Together Daily, and it touched me deeply. It got me reflecting on the past few days and how much I want to feel better. It got me thinking about how many friends and readers have reached out to me because I've made sure to write without hiding the truth. The comfort I am experiencing has been inexpressible. No, I have not been magically cured of my emotional wounds; however, I have to acknowledge how supported and lifted I have been by every person who has lent kind words and happy thoughts.

The encouragement to keep writing has been completely surprising actually. I don't like when I write negative things. I don't like where my mind is that it can honestly feel so terribly sad. I have food, clothes, a home, a very nice car, four amazing children, a fabulous job that I adore, and the list goes on. I feel like I should be able to find joy no matter what.

All of that said, I always anticipate people rejecting my writing that is saturated in sadness. And yet—I receive a windfall of encouragement every single time. It's like I have memory loss in this area or something. I forget how deeply the ranks file for my success.

I have been so comforted. Thank you from the bottom of my ever purple loving heart.



  1. Your thoughts and feelings are valid. Your sadness is valid. When you need to be lifted up, reach out and we will let you know how wonderful and loved you are <3.

  2. My life and my family's life is more enriched because of your love and friendship. Thanks for being who you are. You are one of my sequoia's!

  3. You write with much love and thanks. I hope you are healing

  4. What I like about your writing is that it is honest no holds barred writing. Of course you are hurting and writing helps to give you time to take in the hurt and come out the other side. As you write and read your thoughts consider thinking about one thing that surprised you or made you smile in the last 24 hours....there is something trust me. Hold it in your thoughts until you feel a smile or sense a giggle...That is the beginning of control and the road to contentment.!

  5. My post for the day:

  6. I hear your concern with writing from a sad heart all the time....Last year, I was in terrible emotional pain and only wrote a few times....this year, after a very dry blogging year wen my world was torn upside down, I'm trying to focus on the happier kernels...there are a some, even in the sadness that still controls much of my life. It seems to sometimes....for be easier to focus on the little things...and to write but now share about the painful things....BUT I AM SO GLAD that you and others are able to write and share about struggles...somehow, praying for you and others helps's all confusing...but you are in my thoughts and prayers..

  7. You have to always write. ❤✌

  8. I've written about some troubling times in my life. I've archived some sadder posts. But the thing is, when you share your sadness, your troubles, your heartbreak there is always someone out there who reads it and thinks, "You mean I'm not the only one?" Many people were shocked when I wrote about my daughter being in a group home and juvenile hall. Many more were shocked when I wrote about infidelity - as someone who had cheated on my boyfriends/spouses. But for those who were offended or didn't like it, there was someone who truly appreciated the post. The same goes for your writing.


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