time to breathe

I wanted to give myself time to reflect today as I worked—to ponder what to write. Don't we get an idea in our mind and just go with it all too often? I was thinking that yesterday and wanted to switch things up a bit for today. It's taken all day for me to realize I want to talk about slowing down.

It's meta that it took slowing down only to talk about that very thing. And so life goes.

Over the years, I've learned the value of slowing down to think, to act, to rest. Impetuosity is only helpful in rare cases. I do have an affinity for spontaneity though. That's the good stuff. And what is so great about spontaneity is that it can apply to slowing down! You can have the best laid plans and chuck them all to slow things way down and simplify.

Taking time to breathe clears my mind and helps me step away from the fire that is my life. I am thankful that I have learned how to do this thing. I don't think I would have been able to cope with the past 5-10 years if I hadn't learned to take a timeout every so often. During the past year or two, I think I've perfected it to an art form almost actually.

It's a beautiful thing, taking care of yourself, so you can keep going. A very beautiful thing.


  1. That is what I am working on now: learning to slow down and take care of me. (Without guilt.) Thank you for the reminder that doing just that is "a beautiful thing." :)

  2. I was waiting for this post all day, so stoked when I saw it was up! Taking it easy is a Greta plan, especially for a super mom like you. Here's my post for the day: http://joolimammoth.blogspot.com/2017/03/my-life-as-man.html?m=1

  3. 🐢 Nothing wrong with slowing down.

  4. I was just thinking about this today as well. I felt myself starting to get frazzled and forgetting things, so I reminded myself to stop, drop and roll. Oh wait, that's for fire. Stop, breathe, and SLOW DOWN. There's so much I want to do that I rush through things. Not only do I then forget things or not do a very good job, I also don't get to really enjoy what I'm doing. Thanks for the reinforcement!


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