three things

I attended a women's conference in my community a few weeks ago, and one of the workshops I went to had the best idea ever for journaling. Well, it's the best idea ever if you're having a hard time writing like I have been lately.

The writing prompt is to focus on three positive things that happen each day. I've been working on it for the past couple of weeks, and I have to say I am proud of myself. I had nearly abandoned my journal for a few months with my oppressive grief response to a personal thing that went down this fall—six months ago actually. I can't believe I've become so sorely affected. So anyway! I have been writing every day now, and it's been so good to get back into the swing of things. On really hard days, the three things are one sentence each, but I am still writing. I'm making time to remember the good things.

Today's three things haven't been written yet, but I will as soon as I finish this!


  1. It is a good idea and a good way to get out of a writing slump. Go, you!

  2. Gratitude journaling got me out of my delayed depression after my mother's death, and I've continued it nightly since. I hope you find the results to be the same!

  3. There is so much research behind gratitude journaling being life-changing. Such a great idea as a writer and as a human to take time to count our blessings in writing. Thanks for this!

  4. This is a wonderful idea! Writing can help us in so many ways.

  5. A mentor once told me: Give yourself permission to start from where you are. Gratitude is a wonderful place to start from.

  6. Glass half full vs glass half empty! Great idea.
    Great way to live.

  7. I try to write in a gratitude journal before going to bed, but I have been neglectful lately. Not because I don't have a lot to be grateful for, but I go bed too late and am exhausted and just fall into bed mindlessly. This is going to make me more determined to write each night. Three things is not too hard to manage.

  8. You do make it sound so simple and easy to do. I think I may try this in my personal journal. I'm glad you shared this idea.

  9. This is a great reminder that keeping it simple is best. Not always easy to fit it in, but I love the idea of making it a part of your morning or nightly routine.

  10. That sounds like a really good and difficult exercise. Especially if they have to be new things every day? Man, keep up the good work on that.

    My slice for the day:

  11. I need to go back to this - thank you for the reminder! If I leave my journal on my night stand, I remember to do it. But sometimes I move it or take it with me somewhere and then it's forgotten. Have you read A Simple Act of Gratitude? It really touched me and got me to send a thank you as often as possible.


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