wanted: clarity

Clarity is an interesting aspect of our lives. We long for it—that understanding of all things affecting us—right? But sometimes, when we do receive clarity on some situations, we don't like what we see. We inadvertently create a lack of clarity through rejection.

Sometimes clarity brings to the table a sense of knowing how unclear things are because of other people doing the rejection. In these cases, it is a clear-cut mess with no way around. And the trouble of it all is figuring out how long the pain will last and, most directly and importantly, what is the quickest path to joy. It isn't always easy to see. 


  1. I love your statement on trying to find the "quickest path to joy"-my one word this year. I definitely need clarity in my life. It is not always easy to see when in the muck of things.

  2. Asked God for clarity, he gave me work. I took the job to task, and found joy!


  3. I think sometimes we see what we want to see. Sometimes we are blinded by what we don't want to understand as true. I see that as we evaluate students and teachers.

  4. I think often we don't like what we see, it's painful then we change our focus. Interesting word, clarity.

  5. In my opinion, clarity is one of the scariest things on this planet. It is so difficult to see things as they are and not what's easiest for us or what we want them to be. As someone who often wears the proverbial "rose-colored glasses" I struggle with this on a daily basis. This post is a great reminder of that.

    Here's my slice for the day http://joolimammoth.blogspot.com/2017/03/motivation-or-lack-therof.html#more

  6. We do get in the way of clarity, probably more often than we realize.


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