be real

Glitter on roses just showered by rain and sun
Comfort from a cup of homemade soup
Wishes made on stars and dandelion tufts
Hopes and dreams come true for me and you

Silence that speaks the volumes of a life well lived
Hearts that care for longer than a one-act play
Words written on scented paper making sense of all of it
A love that entices and reminds you to stay

A soul strong enough to hold fast to faith
Vision that sees to the center of eternity
Happiness that is reflected in my eyes and face
Strength to accept gifts from synchronicity

1 comment:

  1. Once again, I love your poem. You have so many wonderful life messages in this one. I especially like, "Silence that speaks the volumes of a life well lived." We live in such a noisy world, that likes to boast of all it's accomplishments. Sometimes the greatest messages are in the silence.


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