working on sunday

Not sure who even cares about the topic, but I do, so I'm going to talk about it.

I've been a Sabbath Day keeper for most of my life, but I never thought about how my choice affects others. I just stay home and spend my time on my family and service and spiritual things, so that's all there is to it, right?

Well, my oldest got a job working full-time, and he works on Sundays now. Since we are used to being together for Sundays, we have been trying to take him a warm dinner when he works. I wasn't prepared to see how full the parking lot is every week. And another thing I wasn't prepared for was hearing how things are so busy, and that's why so many people are scheduled to work.

If more people stayed home on Sundays, more people who want to be home with their family could do so. My staying home actually helps other Sabbath keepers to have the freedom to stay home too. It's a collective thing that I never realized its reach.

It's upsetting that we can't spend our traditional family time regrouping for the week because so many people don't care about nor acknowledge Sunday as a day of rest. I wish more people stayed home since their choices most assuredly affect my family and me. I've started praying about it, and I guess right now I'm speaking out about it even if it's in a small way. I hope it helps somehow.

And that's all I'll say about that. 


  1. It's so interesting how our perspectives can be broadened like this. What we do impacts others for sure! Your post made me think about another perspective as well - For those observing Shabbat, they would be not going to work Friday night until Saturday night... So combined, that would be a whole weekend of rest -- which honestly sounds just about right to me! Are there other religions with other days of rest besides Saturday and Sunday? Now you have me curious!

    1. I believe that Seventh Day Adventist take a Friday Sabbath. Yes, a lot to consider! I live in a strikingly predominantly Christian community, so it is hits hard, but you have helped me think even further outward. So much to pray for.


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