impact update

I haven't really done any updates this year on my progress for my word of the year, so with only two months left, it's fitting to check in with everyone.

How could I have chosen any better word not knowing what would come into my life this year? It was certainly the word I needed to guide me. I have been faced with many choices throughout 2017 that required kindness I didn't think I had in me, yet I surprised myself and showed myself what I'm made of. I am someone who deserves to be on other people's lists (for more info, see: Impact, Twenty People: Part 1, and Twenty People: Part 2).

Who even knows how the rest of the year will turn out, nevertheless, I am feeling good about how I've done with this word. I have risen to the occasion without having to really make myself—it has all just happened one small (or big) decision at a time. Choosing joy, choosing service, choosing kindness, choosing love, choosing forgiveness, choosing me, choosing my family, choosing to make an impact wherever I am able.

It has been so good for me to look back today. I have been sad again with so many pressures on me, and this reflection refuels me. I'm thankful to be someone who writes. It changes my day.

That said, I am looking forward to Gratitude Month in November. I'll be writing on here every day, finding something to be thankful for, and I cordially invite anyone who would like to leave a link to their website or make a comment for everyone to join in your gratitude. Come on each day or whenever, so we can be inspired by one another and revel in all that is good about life!


  1. Thank you for the reminder about the One Word! I had to go look mine up...that's what I get for not posting it everywhere, as I've done in years past. I like the idea of blogging gratitude every day in November. I keep a gratitude journal that gets filled in each night before bed.

  2. I love this line:
    "Choosing joy, choosing service, choosing kindness, choosing love, choosing forgiveness, choosing me, choosing my family, choosing to make an impact wherever I am able." The idea that we can choose these things is so key to making that impact!


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