a job I love

Being an English teacher and an editor with social media expertise is a strange combination, but it has served me well.

I am able to have the career I want and enjoy because I took time to add a minor during my undergraduate studies. That one decision put the fork in the road I wouldn't know I'd need for around five more years. So much opportunity for growth, service, and gainful employment has been mine because I took time to really listen to the guidance of the spirit.

I give thanks to God for watching over us even after making that decision to change my minor. I was led by the hand to talk myself up, sharing irrelevant at the time information about my skillset, which ended up being how I have my job today.

The school I work for is so wonderful. They really care about life/work balance with our families being a priority. It's refreshing to be empowered and appreciated as well as I am too. Time and again, I am given opportunities to practice my skills and serve the school. There are also wonderful people there. Such sweet and kind people to work with and learn from and grow with. Not many people are able to be so satisfied with their job, but I am and I feel quite blessed because of it. So fortunate indeed.

I am so thankful for the entire experience from my educational choices to now. 

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